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The webblog covers the basic Internet competences and is supposed to serve as a manual for the people with disabilities and their assistants. The purpose of my webblog is to increase the accessibility of the Internet technologies for the people with learning disabilities and to implement the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. There are as well the materials of my participatory camera workshop, aimed at sharing the skills and ideas during the adventurous insight in the shooting techniques. This workshop is for all those who are interested in creating new videos. Fresh ideas are welcome.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Cutting Rules

It is important to figure out separate cuts during the shooting.

5-cut rule of the scene:

- includes shot and counter shot;

- total - face;

- reaction shot;

- hand;

- characteristic setting to solve the scene.

Rule: each sequence has in cut 5 settings, 4 sec. each. It is important to neutralize the cuts.

In between cuts /cut-aways, cut-ins, near, detail.

The means to get the cut in the shot are:

1. Mise en scene – the characters move in the shot itself.

2. Panoramic shot (when the camera moves, fixed on the tripod) might be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, and round. Another classification is:

round-up panorama

observation panorama

monitoring panorama

3. Traveling of the camera.

The combinations are possible as well, such as

4. Panorama + traveling

5. Mise en scene + camera movement

The blending could be used for the transition from one cut to another, but this solution is tasteless. The montage could be either invisible, or become a medium itself, according to different montage theories.

Three-point lighting is also known as “triangle lighting” or “photographic lighting.” Three lights are used to create the lighting treatment: the key, fill, and back lights.

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